We’re getting there!
9.5 weeks at the MOST until Baby Yar’s BIG (literally I’m sure)
debut. I wanted to post a pregnancy
update since I haven’t really written about any of it in a while. I know, don’t judge me non-pregnant friends.
So a while ago now, probably around weeks 22 – 24 or so, I
was in a self-defined pregnancy slump. I
was tired of being pregnant. It seemed
like it would never end; and my hormones were OUT of control. I was maybe a little depressed, cried all the
time, and was all around just whiny. We
had already found out the baby was a boy, we had no more chances to see him
until he was born, and the list goes on.
Believe me, I am not kidding about how whiny I was, poor Dave. The fact that I should be constantly grateful
for my healthy baby and easy pregnancy was not easily remembered at that point.
That was a large reason for no posts during that phase. I didn’t want to appear to be ungrateful for
this little guy, or to be that annoying person that is negative ALL the
time. You know you all know one of those
people. So, luckily for you, that time has
passed. However, I did buy a book that
made me laugh about pregnancy during that time; called Sippy Cups are not for Chardonnay.
I highly recommend it if you need something to bring back your sense of
humor while pregnant!
Then, around 27 weeks I went in for my routine 28 week labs
and glucose test at my doctor’s office.
Talk about an eventful morning. I
chugged my red glucose drink and then had my appointment. I started feeling super sugar high while I
was waiting for the doctor to come in.
The appointment was fine, and as I left to pay I started feeling
dizzy. I sat down and still felt hot and
dizzy and my vision started to blur. I decided I should probably see if I could
lay down somewhere, so I went to the front desk and asked. They ever so nicely were going to get a room
ready for me, when, the next thing I know I’m laying on my back on the ground
with 5 or 6 people standing over me trying to get me to wake up. Oops.
Not the way you want to start your day.
So they had me lay down in the back in a dark room for half an hour or
so, took my blood in there and made sure I was ok before I left. Clearly, I was assuming I would have to take
the 3 hour glucose test since obviously my body did NOT like all that sugar. But, I passed with flying colors, so thank
God! No more sugar for me.
Since then, everything has gone back to being pretty much
uneventful! However, at my last two appointments my blood pressure has been a
little high (after being SUPER low the whole rest of the pregnancy) so they
took some labs and are going to start seeing me every week just to watch it! I’m sure it will be nothing, but they are
watching for early signs of preeclampsia.
Even so, the little guy is doing great. Good strong heartbeat and he is VERY
active. He started really going crazy
around 28 weeks or so, and in the past few days he has really picked it up even
more. The doctor said his head is down
already, where it’s supposed to be to deliver.
But, incredibly, it still feels like I’m getting kicked all over the
place. I usually feel big kicks up by my
ribs, and when I lay down tae-bo like punches on my side. Also in the past two days or so, we have
started to see and feel his whole body move back and forth across my stomach –
So that’s the big baby update for all of you. More to come soon! Including nursery pictures!