As the title of this post says, there really is no other way to describe what I am about to write - except as an update. Not a boring one though - SO many exciting things have been going on lately!
1. Pup - is officially named Dexter. Our lovable little guy has gotten bigger over the past two weeks! We're still definitely working on the potty training side of things, but he has gotten much better on that, and is getting into more of a routine with sleeping etc.
He is hard work - but brings so much joy, and I think, Dave and I closer.
2. CASA - I just finished my volunteer training for CASA yesterday. I LOVED every minute of it. Our trainer was absolutely fabulous, and everything we talked about really appealed to the psych side of my brain, which has not been used in a while! Not to mention my heart, because how can the issues some of these kids have not affect you? I have my first case - a little guy taken away from his home because of parent's drug use. I am really looking forward to meeting him and his parents.
Even though I am so excited about it, I had my first bout of nervousness yesterday, about the commitment and time this will take, and doubting my ability to get it done. But, like they say, anything we do for these kids, is that much more than they would be receiving without us! Again, here comes the being brave.
3. Life - is crazy busy still, but punctuated with some nice moments of quiet. The past two weekends we have had time at home to ourselves, to talk, watch a good movie, nap, clean or play with the pup. I have really really enjoyed the time to just stop - and enjoy the moment.
I am also making progress on some of my 101 things, travel wall, book reading, flowers, labeling etc. I even think I may make some updates to my list. Some of them are things I thought I should include, but are not really challenging me like they should and are a little redundant (I mean - I had had a few cocktails at the time).
So stay tuned for some more updates on life, love and happiness :)