Wednesday, August 4, 2010


We got a new addition to our little family last night, a 7 week old golden-retriever lab mix, yet to be named (lots of options, just not one perfect name yet!).

He is VERY cute and lovable, I hope his snuggly personality stays! He is in some ways everything we said we didn't want. He'll probably be kind of big, probably shed more than we like, he's part lab (I'm anti-lab), and we didn't get him on the ideal Saturday stroll through the pet store.

However, I think that could be great for us. He was a compromise, some what spur of the moment and will probably be a challenge (at least more than a 5 lb yorki-poo). Raising him will be an awesome thing for us to do together, and maybe a little lesson that there is no real perfect, but you love what you have, and embrace the choices you make. Be they in the perfect fashion or not :)

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