Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day

Now, I know there are a lot of differing opinions out there on Valentine's Day. A lot of people LOVE the holiday. They love finding the perfect card and gift for the one they love, having a candlelit romantic dinner, and sending flowers.

Then, there are those on the complete opposite end of the spectrum. They hate the holiday and its forced romanticism, the overpriced gifts and the focus on the all too superficial aspects of love.

There's also the Singles Awareness Day folks - who hate the one day every year when they are most aware that they are alone (at least in a romantic sense).

I am shockingly one of the Valentine's day lovers. I know, I know. Very unexpected. However, I never had a chance to really show that (due to all the nonexistent and/or terrible relationships I was in) until 5 years ago, when I met the boy who would eventually become my husband.

On our 5th Valentine's (well technically fourth, it's a long story - you all know it) Day together I just wanted to make sure that he knew how thankful I am to finally have my Valentine in the most wonderful, caring and loving person I have ever met.

It brings tears to my eyes every time I think about how lucky I am to have him in my life. I have never felt so loved and supported and cherished, and I thank God everyday for blessing my life with that kind of love. I cannot believe I am so lucky.

Happy Valentine's Day, Dave. Thank you for loving me.

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