Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Going Public.

Ok - so about a month ago I posted the link to this blog on my facebook page. BIG STEP for me, who, like Dave said - had been using this blog as an online journal for the past year.

I don't know what made me do it, finally make all these ramblings public, but I did, and there's no going back now (not that anyone has read this except Dave and my friend Erica :).

I will not lie, the mere fact that the link to the blog is out there has made me hesitant to post anything for fear that it wouldn't be good enough or everyone would think I was boring. Hence, the lack of postings for the last month or so.

But today - I finally have something POSITIVE and a little bit of note to post. Like most people close to me know, I have been BEYOND stressed out lately to the point of near emotional breakdown. Which again - if you know me, you know that is not all that common. School and work have been dragging me up, down, all over the place for the past month and a half. BUT, today I took my last test in my first nursing school pre-req and finished the class with an A. HUGE sign of relief here.

This whole decision to go back to school has already been a crazy journey and I'm not even close to finishing - but today helped reinforce that it will be worth it!

So all you people out there (or Dave and Erica) welcome to my world.

Hopefully I'll have some more deep worldy insight for you soon!

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