Friday, July 8, 2011

If you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all

I love this little gem of a quote from Bambi (I believe?). Lately, it feels like there is negativity EVERYWHERE. From comments on Facebook, emails at work and even conversations at home there is a lot of "blah" flying around out there. So in celebration of this beautiful Friday, I wanted to post a few happy things that I am wonderfully grateful for!

1. Sunshine
2. Finding out that the exact outfit I wanted to wear today was clean and folded (rare occurrence in our house)
3. Awesome, supportive friends
4. Sushi lunches with my dad
5. Going to see my cousins tomorrow
6. Dave's ankle finally feeling better
7. A good night's sleep
8. Dexter
9. Really nice love Facebook messages :)
10. Low stress work days
11. Meeting Lillian Marie this weekend
12. Friday nights at home

Happy Friday Everyone!

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