Friday, January 27, 2012

14 Weeks.

Which now, by all accounts, means that I am done with my first trimester!  Exciting.  These 14 weeks have FLOWN by, and although pregnancy has been pretty good to me so far, the last couple weeks of the first trimester were maybe the worst.  

Now, don’t get me wrong, from what I’ve been hearing lately, my “worst” is pretty much better than most other people’s “great”.  I was nauseous a little more frequently (nothing crackers at my desk couldn’t take care of), was really SUPER tired, and just lately I’ve started getting hungry ALL THE TIME.  

Now, I never thought there would come a day when I would say that as a negative thing (since eating could be counted as one of my hobbies) but this hunger wakes me up from naps, makes me leave meetings to get a snack, and just won’t stop. I mean, I love eating as much as the next person, but this is getting a bit excessive!

Ahh I know.  Big problems over here.

In other news, we picked out curtains for the baby’s room (a fun green/blue paisley pattern), got a changing table, crib, glider and ottoman (ALL hand me down, and thus very cheap, or free, YAY!), so we are pretty set as far as big ticket baby items!  We have some staining and recovering projects to do, but hopefully we’ll start and finish those over the next few months.  We're hoping the nursery will be done well before the summer!

We go to the Doctor next Wednesday for our 15 week appointment, and then our next (19 week) appointment is the big gender reveal!  We’re getting very excited about that.  Can’t wait to see if we’ll have a boy or girl to fill those little shoes!

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