So I just looked at the blog and realized I hadn't posted in a long time. Sorry if any of you were holding your breath.
Throughout this pregnancy, I have read What to Expect When You're Expecting (the book) and their online weekly updates, as well as Baby Center's weekly "where your baby should be now" weekly posts. And, until recently, they had always been pretty right on with how I was feeling and how things were progressing. BUT, over the past few weeks, I was getting freaked out. They all consistently said, "hey you should feel your baby move A LOT sometime between 16 and 22 weeks. So there I was, all of 22 and a half weeks and nothing. A few little flutter type bubble things, but no serious baby movement. Yikes.
I even went in for my last exam around the 22 week mark and the Doctor started with "oh, you must be feeling him all the time now, huh". No. But way to make me feel terrible lady. So then, she checks out my chart and says "Oh, well your placenta is in the front, so that's why you can't feel too much, you probably won't feel him a lot for another few weeks." Would have been nice to know when you found that out a MONTH ago at my ultrasound. But, oh well. Fun things you learn about your body when pregnant.
So, this little guy is already doing his own thing. Most babies implant on the back of the uterus, but some do on the front causing an anterior placenta (i.e. Baby Yar). Can't wait to see how big of an independent streak that is foreshadowing!
But back to the point of this - he is moving around a LOT now. Last week at about 23 and half weeks, was when he really started doing his thing. He likes to move a lot when I'm sitting and typing at work in the afternoons. Also right before bed, and if I randomly wake up in the middle of the night, then too.
Dave got to feel him for the first time on Sunday, so that was fun to see, and reassuring for both of us! Now let me clarify, by feel, I mean the little guy finally managed to kick hard enough for a SLIGHT wave like feeling to make it to the surface. Nothing quite like seeing feet kick me yet or anything.
So that's where the baby is at as of now! Crib post coming soon!
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