Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tuesday...Two Day

Anyone know that great quote from Friends?  "Monday, one day.  Tuesday, two day.  Wednesday, what day?  Thursday...it's the third day!"

That quote popped into my head this afternoon when I was thinking about how much I like Tuesdays.  Not sure why it was associated with my Tuesday thought, since it is really about Thursdays, but whatev.  

Back to Tuesdays.  Neither of us have class on Tuesdays, and always make sure we get home from work on time.  We get to cook dinner before 9 p.m., catch up on our inevitably HUGE piles of laundry, and maybe have a glass of wine or two (while watching Glee...and other thought provoking television programming).

Since today happened to be not only a Tuesday, but also the most beautiful fall day of all time, I decided to take my camera on my walk with Dex.  As a side note, I only got a FEW creeped out looks from people who thought I was trying to take pictures of them walking their dogs. Always a positive. 

So for your viewing pleasure, here's a little snapshot of this GORGEOUS Tuesday, two day.

I should have had this fabulous idea yesterday, before they turned off our neighborhood fountains.  One of  my favorite parts about where we live.

Dexter taking it all in.  He is not a huge fan of photo walks, they cramp his style (i.e. he can't pull and drag me all over the place while I'm stopped taking a picture).

LOVE the new Eagle Creek Trail.  No one would ever know its 6 feet from 71st Street.

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